Water Channel at Qumran

  1. Overview
    1. The Maccabees (Hasmoneans) 167-63, Teddy Kollek and Moshe Pearlman, Jerusalem- Sacred City of Mankind, Steimatzky Ltd., Jerusalem, 1991.
    2. Biblical History- From Alexander the Great to the Roman Conquest, 332-37 BCE, Steven Feldman, COJS.
  2. Artifacts
    1. Nash Papyrus, 2nd century BCE
    2. Tomb Inscription at Givat Hamivtar
    3. Sling Bullet
    4. Heliodorus Stele, 178 BCE
    5. Antikythera Mechanism, 150-100 BCE
    6. First Jewish Coin From Jerusalem, 130 BCE
    7. Tetradrachm of Demetrius II, 127/126 BCE
    8. Tebtunis Papyri, 114 BCE
    9. Coin of Alexander Jannaeus, 103-76 BCE
    10. Coins of Alexander Jannaeus from Siloam, 103-76 BCE
    11. First Bilingual Jewish Coin, 103 BCE
    12. King Alexander Coin, 103-76 BCE
    13. Bronze Hasmonean Coins, 103-37 BCE
    14. Qumran Coin Hoard, 103-9 BCE
    15. The Temple Scroll, c. 100 BCE
    16. The War Scroll, c. 100 BCE
    17. Paleo-Exodus, c. 100 BCE
    18. Paleo-Hebrew Coin, c. 100 BCE
    19. Coin of Jonathan, 100 BCE
    20. First Temple Tax Coin, 87 BCE
    21. Matthias Antigonus Coin, 40-37 BCE
    22. Menorah Coin, 40-37 BCE
    23. The Ten Commandments Scroll, 30-1 BCE
    24. Equestrian Alexander, 1st century BCE
    25. Prophetic Text, 1st century BCE
    26. Damascus Document, 1st century BCE
    27. Building Complex at Qumran
    28. Dining Room at Qumran
    29. Pantry at Qumran
    30. Cemetery at Qumran
    31. Water Channel at Qumran
    32. Wadi Qumran and the Ruins
    33. Bowls Found at Qumran
    34. Measuring Cups from Qumran
    35. Inkwell
    36. Scrolls Jar
  3. Articles
    1. The Maccabean Revolt, Lawrence H. Schiffman, Reclaiming the Dead Sea Scrolls, Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia, 1994.
    2. Jewish Sects in the Aftermath of the Maccabean Revolt, Lawrence H. Schiffman, Reclaiming the Dead Sea Scrolls, Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia, 1994.
    3. Sectarianism in the Second Commonwealth, Lawrence Schiffman, From Text to Tradition, Ktav Publishing House, Hoboken, NJ, 1991.
    4. Lee I. Levine. “The Age of Hellenism- Alexander the Great and the Rise and Fall of the Hasmonean Kingdom.” Part III
    5. Palestine under Hasmonean Rule, Lee I. Levine.
    6. The Name of God in the New Testament, George Howard, Biblical Archaelogy Review (4:1), Mar 1978.
    7. Was There a Seven-Branched Lampstand in Solomon’s Temple? Carol L. Meyers, Biblical Archaeology Review (5:5), Sep/Oct 1979.
    8. Saving the Dead Sea Scrolls for the Next 2000 Years, Dodo Joseph Shenhav, Biblical Archaeology Review, Jul-Aug 1981.
    9. First “Dead Sea Scroll” Found in Egypt Fifty Years Before Qumran Discoveries: Solomon Schechter presages later Essene scholarship, Raphael Levy, Biblical Archaeology Review (8:5), Sep/Oct 1982.
    10. Essene Origins: Palestine or Babylonia? Biblical Archaeology Review (8:5) Sep/Oct 1982.
    11. The Temple Scroll: The Longest and Most Recently Discovered Dead Sea Scroll, Yigael Yadin, Biblical Archaeology Review (10:5) Sep/Oct 1984.
    12. Yigael Yadin 1917–1984, Hershel Shanks, Biblical Archaeology Review (10:5), Sep/Oct 1984.
    13. Challenge to Sun-Worship Interpretation of Temple Scroll’s Gilded Staircase, Jacob Milgrom, Biblical Archaeology Review (11:1), Jan/Feb 1985.
    14. Books in Brief: The Temple Scroll: The Hidden Law of the Dead Sea Sect, Lawrence Schiffman, Biblical Archaeology Review (11:4), Jul/Aug 1985.
    15. Books in Brief: Egyptian and Jewish MSS, Biblical Archaeology Review (13:3), May/Jun 1987.
    16. Temple Scroll Revisited- Three New Views, Biblical Archaeology Review, Nov-Dec 1987.
    17. Temple Scroll Revisited- The Gigantic Dimensions of the Visionary Temple in the Temple Scroll, Magen Broshi, Biblical Archaeology Review, Nov-Dec 1987.
    18. Intrigue and the Scroll, Hershel Shanks, BAR 13-06, Nov-Dec 1987.
    19. Is the Temple Scroll a Sixth Book of the Torah—Lost for 2,500 Years? Hartmut Stegemann, BAR 13-06, Nov-Dec 1987.
    20. Ekron of the Philistines, Trude Dothan and Seymour Gitin, BAR 16-01, Jan-Feb 1990.
    21. Carbon-14 Tests Substantiate Scroll Dates, Hershel Shanks, BAR 17-06, Nov-Dec 1991.
    22. Books in Brief- The Damascus Document Reconsidered, Hershel Shanks, BAR 18-04, Jul-Aug 1992.
    23. Jewish Funerary Inscriptions—Most Are in Greek, Pieter W. van der Horst, BAR 18-05, Sep-Oct 1992.
    24. Beatitudes Found Among Dead Sea Scrolls, Benedict T. Viviano, BAR 18-06, Nov-Dec 1992.
    25. The Great Mikveh Debate, Ronny Reich, BAR 19-02, Mar-Apr 1993.
    26. The Qumran Settlement—Monastery, Villa or Fortress? Hershel Shanks, BAR 19-03, May-Jun 1993.
    27. Tapping the Mother Lode- Qumran Cave 4, Hershel Shanks, BAR 19-05, Sep-Oct 1993.
    28. Where the Temple Tax Was Buried, Manfred R. Lehmann, BAR 19-06, Nov-Dec 1993.
    29. What Was Qumran? Not a Country Villa, Jodi Magness, BAR 22-06, Nov-Dec 1996.
    30. What Was Qumran? A Ritual Purification Center, Edward M. Cook, BAR 22-06, Nov-Dec 1996.
    31. The Enigma of Qumran, Hershel Shanks, BAR 24-01, Jan-Feb 1998.
  4. Maps
    1. Kingdom of the Maccabees, 100 BCE
  5. Videos
    1. Why do Jews shy away from idolatrous symbols in their art? Prof. Steven Fine. Produced by Down Low Pictures for COJS.
  6. Websites
    1. Jewish Virtual Library- The Hasmonean Dynasty