1900-1920: Jewish Homeland


Balfour DeclarationThe two decades between 1900 and 1920 propelled Zionism forward. In 1903, a proposal was made to establish a Jewish homeland in Uganda, but this proposal was declined by the Zionist Congress. The Kishnev Pogrom in Russia and other anti-Semitic events confirmed the importance of establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine. In 1917, the Balfour Declaration affirmed the British Empire’s dedication to setting up a Jewish homeland within the borders of the British Mandate. This period saw an increase of attacks by Arabs on Jewish settlers in the Land of Israel.

  1. 1901 The Great Game / Germany, Russia and India
  2. 1901 The Great Game / Russia and India
  3. February 15, 1902 Theodor Herzl
  4. February 17, 1902 The Great Game / Russia and India
  5. November 6, 1902 The Great Game / Russia and India
  6. 1903 The Uganda Project
  7. 1903 Lydda, Ramleh, Ben Shemen
  8. April 6-7 1903 Kishnev Pogrom in Russia
  9. April 6-7, 1903 Kishnev Pogrom in Russia – Letter to Grand Rabbi of France
  10. June 17, 1903 Kishnev Pogrom in Russia – Houdini Visits Kihnev
  11. July 3rd, 1904 Theodor Herzl Dies
  12. 1905 Negib Azouri on the Arab and Jewish Movement
  13. September 1905 Roosevelt Against Oppression of Jews in Russia
  14. October 1905 Pogroms in Russia
  15. July 1906 Captain Alfred Dreyfus
  16. 1908 Oil Discovered in Persia
  17. 1910 Railroads Built as Land Routes to Persian Gulf & India
  18. 1911 Arab Refugees
  19. 1911 Winston Churchill First Lord of the Admiralty
  20. March 1911 Blood Libel
  21. March 7, 1911 General Lowther to Sir Edward Grey about Anti-Zionism Resentments in Turkey
  22. 1912 President Woodrow Wilson
  23. 1913 The Nationalist Organization “Filistin” is Established
  24. 1913 Account of the Conditions on the Coastal Plain
  25. March 17, 1913 Gerard Lowther to Sir E. Grey on Ottoman Opposition to Zionism
  26. 1914 Distribution of Jewish Population in Israel
  27. 1914 Palestine Since the Arab Conquest
  28. 1914 Haqqi Bey al-Azm
  29. June 1914 Raghib al-Nashashibi
  30. June 1914 General Summons Signatory
  31. 1915 Zion Mule Corps
  32. April 13, 1915 The De Bunsen Committee
  33. January 30, 1916 Sir Henry McMahonu
  34. January 30, 1916 McMahon-Hussein Correspondence
  35. April 1916 Partition of Ireland
  36. April 1916 Ireland’s Easter Rising
  37. May 16, 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement
  38. August 24, 1916 British Admiral Sir Edmond Slade
  39. 1917 Lawrence of Arabia
  40. 1917 Ottoman Census
  41. 1917 The Last Crusade
  42. November 2, 1917 Prime Minister David Lloyd George
  43. November 2, 1917 The Balfour Declaration
  44. November 2, 1917 Who Associated with the Balfour Declaration
  45. November 2, 1917 Lloyd George Testifies before the Royal Commission
  46. November 2, 1917 One Complete Palestine from the Mediterranean to Iraq
  47. December 8-9 1917 British Rule of Palestine Begins
  48. December 10, 1917 Jerusalem Taken by British
  49. December 15, 1917 Gilbert Clayton on Arab Unity
  50. 1918 Arabs Fought for Turkey in World War I David Lloyd George
  51. 1918 Arabs Fought for Turkey in World War I
  52. 1918 Oil
  53. 1918 Arab Muslim-Christian Association against Jewish Homeland
  54. December 1918 Israel Offers Peace to Islam
  55. 1919 The Palestinians
  56. 1919 Greeks and Turks
  57. January 16, 1919 Refugees/Minority Rights
  58. January 18, 1919 Muslim-Christian Association to King-Crane Commission
  59. January 21, 1919 A Jewish State in Palestine
  60. February 3, 1919 Statement of the Zionist Organization Regarding Palestine
  61. March 1,1919 King Faisal of Syria
  62. March 3, 1919 A Jewish State in Palestine – President Woodrow Wilson
  63. May 1919 The Partition of Ireland
  64. June 16, 1919 Pogroms – President Woodrow Wilson
  65. June 28 ,1919 Treaty of Versailles and the Peace Treaty for Poland
  66. June 28, 1919 The Palestine Mandate
  67. July 2, 1919 Southern Syrian Known as Palestine
  68. October 14, 1919 Winston Churchill – Palestine Deception of Great Britain
  69. 1919 Increase of Arab Attacks on Jewish Settlements
  70. 1920 Weizmann on Living Side by Side with Arab Population
  71. 1920 Lord Balfour on Jewish Historical Connection to Palestine
  72. 1920 Third Arab Congress, Haifa
  73. 1920 Hebert Samuel Appointed as High Commissioner
  74. 1920 Lord Curzon on Palestine Mandate Draft
  75. 1920 Syria and Palestine
  76. 1920 Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis
  77. 1920 Lord Curzon, Viceroy of India
  78. February 8, 1920 Winston Churchill
  79. February 25, 1920 Pogroms in Russia
  80. March 1, 1920 Arab Villagers Murder Jews
  81. April 4, 1920 Nebi Musa Festivies turn Violent
  82. April 18, 1920 San Remo Conference
  83. July 1, 1920 The Palestine Mandate Goes into Effect
  84. July 12, 1920 Sir Arthur Balfour
  85. December 1920 The Third Palestinian Arab Conference, Haifa
  86. December 23rd 1920 The Partition of Ireland

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