Newspapers November 1947


  1. U.S. Offices Barricaded, United Press, NY Times, Nov. 3. 1947.
  2. Last Britons Reluctantly Leave Retreats in Besieged Srinagar, NY Herald Tribune, Nov. 3, 1947.
  3. Russia’s Palestine Plan Wins Praise, NY Herald Tribune, Nov. 5, 1947.
  4. U.S. and Russia Try to Agree on Palestine Plan; The U.N. Yesterday, NY Herald Tribune, Nov. 5, 1947.
  5. British Palestine Chief Tells Arabs of Peace Aims, NY Herald Tribune, Nov. 5, 1947.
  6. Fly KLM to Palestine (advertisement), NY Herald Tribune, Nov. 5, 1947.
  7. Peace in Palestine, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 6, 1947.
  8. Palestine Question, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 6, 1947.
  9. U.N. and Palestine; Moslem Asks U.N. Help in Kashmir; Moslem Invaders Fleeing in Kashmir, India Reports, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 9, 1947. Click here for more on The Partition of India.
  10. Mufti Implies Arab Fight on Even U.S. Force, United Press, NY Herald Tribune, Nov. 10, 1947.
  11. U.S., Russia, Reach Accord on Palestine, NY Herald Tribune, Nov. 11, 1947.
  12. The U.N. Yesterday, NY Herald Tribune, Nov. 11, 1947.
  13. Invaders Flee Vale of Kashmir Before India’s Advancing Army, NY Herald Tribune, Nov. 11, 1947.
  14. British Delay U.N. Talks on Palestine, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 13, 1947.
  15. Britain Will Adhere to Holy Land Evacuation Plan, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 12, 1947.
  16. Six Killed in Holy Land Violence, Nov. 12, 1947.
  17. Five Britons Are Killed in Palestine, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 14, 1947.
  18. Holy Land Death Toll Mounts, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 15, 1947.
  19. U.N. and Palestine, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 14, 1947.
  20. U.N. Debates Palestinian Withdrawal, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 16, 1947.
  21. Palestine Security Laws Tighten as Violence Mounts, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 16, 1947.
  22. Britain Will Not Take Palestine Financial Surplus, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 16, 1947.
  23. Gem Theft Attempted, United Press, NY Times, Nov. 17, 1947.
  24. Modified Plan on Palestine Passed by U.N. Group, Nov. 21, 1947.
  25. British Balk U.N. Palestine Partition Plan, NY Herald Tribune, Nov. 21, 1947.
  26. Terrorist Jews Execute 4 in Arab Family; Arabs Attack Jews in Bus, NY Herald Tribune, Nov. 21, 1947.
  27. Stern Gang Gets Arab Challenge, Nov. 22, 1947.
  28. Jewish Agency Confident of Partition, Nov. 23, 1947.
  29. U.S. Seeks Big Vote for Split in Palestine, Associated Press, NY Sun, Nov. 11, 1947
  30. Jews Solve Gift Problem in Palestine, NY Sun, Nov. 23, 1947.
  31. Vote 33 to 13 to Give Jews a Homeland, Associated Press, Des Moines Sunday Register, Nov. 30, 1947.
  32. Balm to the Jews, Gall to the Arabs – Part I, Life Magazine.
  33. Balm to the Jews, Gall to the Arabs – Part II, Life Magazine.
  34. Balm to the Jews, Gall to the Arabs – Part III, Life Magazine.
  35. The Palestine Problem, Life Magazine.

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