1915 Zion Mule Corps
A letter by General Sir Ian Hamilton to the Day, a New York newspaper:
“General Headquarters,”
“Mediterranean Expeditionary Force.”
“It may interest you to know that I have here, fighting under my orders, a purely Jewish unit. As far as I know this is the first time in the Christian era that such a thing has happened. The men who compose it were cruelly driven out of Jerusalem by the Turks, arrived in Egypt, with their families, absolutely destitute and starving. A complete transport Corps was there raised from them, for voluntary service with me against the Turks, whom they naturally detest. These troops were officially described as the ‘Zion Mule corps’ and the officers and rank and file have shown great courage in taking water, supplies and ammunition up to the fighting-line under heavy fire. One of the private soldiers has been specially recommended by me for gallantry, and has duly received from the King the Distinguish Conduct Medal.”
Source: J.H. Patterson : « With the Zionists in Gallipoi” (London, 1916). PP. 213-214
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