Roman Period I, 63 BCE-73 CE

Roman Period I, 63 BCE-73 CE

Highlights- Coin of Herod the Great, 35/34 BCE Ossuary of Simon the Temple Builder, 1st century BCE – 1st century CE Qumran Phylactery, 1st century CE The Place of the Trumpeting, 4 CE Ossuary of the High Priest Caiaphas, 18-36 CE Crucifixion Bone Fragment, 21 CE...

Maagan Michael Ship, 4th-5th century BCE

Maagan Michael Ship In 1985 a kibbutznik named Ami Eshel of Kibbutz Ma‘agan Mikhael was diving not far from the beach of the kibbutz, 20 miles south of Haifa, when he noticed an unusual pile of rocks with a beam of blackened wood protruding from it. This was, it...