Persian Period, 537-332 BCE

Persian Period, 537-332 BCE   Highlights- Cyrus Cylinder, c. 535 BCE The Passover Papyrus from Elephantine, 419 BCE The Elephantine Temple, 407 BCE Yehud Coin 1, 4th century BCE The exile in Babylonia ended even more swiftly than it began. In 539 B.C.E. Cyrus the...

The Lighthouse of Alexandria, 285-247 BCE

One of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the lighthouse was built at the port of Alexandria, Egypt. Completed in about 279 B.C. by the second Ptolemy, the lighthouse soared to a height of 300 to 500 feet, the equivalent of a modern 40-story building; it was the...

Maagan Michael Ship, 4th-5th century BCE

Maagan Michael Ship In 1985 a kibbutznik named Ami Eshel of Kibbutz Ma‘agan Mikhael was diving not far from the beach of the kibbutz, 20 miles south of Haifa, when he noticed an unusual pile of rocks with a beam of blackened wood protruding from it. This was, it...