October 29, 1898 Theodor Herzl and Kaiser Wilhelm II  Of Germany


Sent the Address to August Eulenburg with the following cov­ering letter:

Your Excellency:

I have the honor most humbly to submit the enclosed Address of the Zionist Deputation. I beg Your Excellency to be kind enough to inform me, when returning the manuscript, of the changes desired by His Majesty the Kaiser, or else to convey his gracious approval to me. I shall read it as bidden when the au­dience takes place.

At the same time may I request that I kindly be notified of the day and hour appointed for the reception of the deputation.

Begging Your Excellency to accept the expression of my deepest respect, I remain

Your Humble Servant,

Dr. Th. H. (e.g. Theodore Herzl)

Source: Diaries of Theodore Herzl, Central Zionist Archive