by hadassah | Dec 30, 2020 | Grand Mufti, Palestine During World War II
The Association between Nazism and Arab Antisemitism June 1941. The Wehrmacht attacks the Soviet Union, for Hitler the center of the Jewish world conspiracy. From there, he intends to push further towards the Middle East. For this plan, Hitler finds an ally in...
by hadassah | Aug 13, 2017 | Palestine During World War II, World Zionism
February 28, 1940 British Restrict Land Transfer February 28, 1940 British Restrict Land Transfer In February 1940, the government promulgated land transfers regulations under which the country was divided into three zones. In the largest of these zones, all...
by hadassah | Aug 13, 2017 | Palestine During World War II, World Zionism
March 6, 1940 British Restrict Land Transfer to Jews in Palestine Philip Noel-Baker in the House of Commons: “in the future, he (Secretary of state malcom macdonald) is to allow the Jews the right of free purchase in 2.6 per cent. Of the total area of...
by hadassah | Apr 18, 2016 | Palestine During World War II
Hitler and the Nazis took antisemitism to the Muslim world and North Africa. There, they sought to recruit local Muslims to join them against their common enemy.
by hadassah | Apr 4, 2016 | Palestine During World War II, Returning and Redemption
The anti-Semitism of Nazi Germany was warmly embraced by Arab leadership. See also: The Mufti of Jerusalem and Yasser Arafat
by hadassah | Nov 6, 2008 | Palestine During World War II
Palestine During World War II, 1940-1945 As World War II heated up in Europe and the massacre of the Holocaust gained momentum, violence in British-ruled Palestine increased as well. In 1941, the Mufti of Jerusalem summoned a Holy War against Britain...