by hadassah | Apr 8, 2018 | World Zionism
October 21, 1975 3,200 Years of Documented Presence of the Jewish People in the Land of Israel October 21, 1975 3,200 Years of Documented Presence of the Jewish People in the Land of Israel, Genesis 15:18-21 Twenty-seven years after its closure during the War...
by hadassah | Sep 13, 2017 | World Zionism
1835 Zionism Letter from Thomas Jefferson Abraham Mordecai Noah publishes his book on bringing Jews to Buffalo What do you want to know? Ask our AI widget and get answers from this website Create Account Contact...
by hadassah | Sep 11, 2017 | World Zionism
1884 Village of Salmon An early 20th century travel guide states: In the “village of Silwan, east of Kidron… some of the fellah dwellings [are] old sepulchers hewn in the rocks. During late years a great extension of the village southward has sprung up, owing to the...
by hadassah | Sep 11, 2017 | World Zionism
1890 The Word Zionism Nathan Birnbaum 1890 The Word Zionism Nathan Birnbaum, Viennese Jew, coined the terms “Zionist”, “Zionism,” and “Zionistic.” Source: Wiki What do you want to know? Ask our AI widget and get answers from this...
by hadassah | Aug 13, 2017 | Palestine During World War II, World Zionism
February 28, 1940 British Restrict Land Transfer February 28, 1940 British Restrict Land Transfer In February 1940, the government promulgated land transfers regulations under which the country was divided into three zones. In the largest of these zones, all...
by hadassah | Aug 13, 2017 | Palestine During World War II, World Zionism
March 6, 1940 British Restrict Land Transfer to Jews in Palestine Philip Noel-Baker in the House of Commons: “in the future, he (Secretary of state malcom macdonald) is to allow the Jews the right of free purchase in 2.6 per cent. Of the total area of...