200-300 AD: Talmudic Evidence

200-300 AD: Talmudic Evidence   Talmudic sources describe the continued presence of Jews on the Temple Mount during this period. Rabbi Natan entered the Temple and found only one wall remaining and Rabbi Bibi instructed others on how to behave when visiting the...
100-200 AD: Revolt

100-200 AD: Revolt

100-200 AD: Revolt   The Bar Kokhba Revolt began as a guerrilla struggle against Rome in 132 C.E. Within a short time it had spread throughout the country, and the rebels took Jerusalem, which had not been heavily fortified by the Romans. Once the revolt was...

400-500: Protection and Rejection

400-500: Protection and Rejection   The 5th century was characterized by the protection of the Roman Empire’s Jewish subjects while simultaneously rejecting them. On the one hand, privileges were granted to the Jewish patriarchs, and synagogues and the...

500-600: Decrees against “Heretics”

500-600: Decrees against “Heretics”   In the 6th century, Eastern Roman Emperors Justin and Justinian made a number of decrees against “heretics” which were aimed at other Christian groups, Samaritans and Jews. Jews continued to pray on the Temple...

600-1000: The Arab Conquest

600-1000: The Arab Conquest   Caliph Umar (Omar) conquered the Land of Israel in 638 and the Dome of the Rock was constructed on the Temple Mount in approximately 685. In the first century after the Arab conquest, the community in the land was primarily Jewish...

1800-1900: The Awakening of Zionism

1800-1900: The Awakening of Zionism   The 19th century saw the awakening of political Zionism. The Dreyfus Affair galvanized Theodore Herzl to demand a homeland for the Jewish people. He published his seminal work, Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State) and met with...