August 38 C.E. Jews and Synagogues of Alexandria

Jews and Synagogues of Alexandria/ Judeopagan Conflict/ Murder/ Statue of Caligula in Synagogues The Jews of Hellenistic Egypt met with a certain amount of “anti-Judaism,” even during the period of their greatest influence, but things did not turn noxious until the...

10 C.E. – 66 C.E. Petronius

Circumcision Circumcision was particularly abhorrent to the Romans: the novelist Petronius describes a slave who has “only two faults… he is circumcised and he snores”, and Tacitus includes circumcision in his list of “abominable and base” Jewish customs. Source:...

5 C.E. – 67 C.E. Saint Paul

Passover Corinthians I Cor. 5:7-8, NIV “For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. Therefore let us keep the Festival, not with the old yeast of malice and wickedness, but with bread without yeast, the bread of sincerity and truth”

4 C.E. – 70 C.E. Columella

Jews in the “Circus” of Rome De Re Rustica, III, 8:1, 2, 4 She (e.g. Nature) has adorned Germany with armies of exceedingly tall men, but she has not wholly deprived other nations of men of exceptional stature. For Cicero bears witness that there was once a Roman...

10 B.C.E. – 65 C.E. Seneca

Lighting Lamps on Sabbath and Proselytizing by Jews Seneca’s references to Jews derive from works that he composed in the sixties of the first century C.E., that is, at the height of the Jewish proselytizing movement and the diffusion of Jewish customs throughout the...

10 B.C.E. – 50 C.E. Cornelius Celsus

Jewish Doctors Cornelius Celsus compiled an encyclopaedic work, of which only the medical part has remained. It is noteworthy that among the authorities quoted by this Latin author, who apparently lived in the time of Tiberius, we find a Jewish medical writer,...