May 66 C.E. Uprising of Jews in Alexandria

Tiberias Julius Alexander (e.g. nephew of the Jewish Philosopher, Philo) Tiberius had chosen an administrative career in the emperor’s service. Like everyone else, he had to begin by serving a term in the armed forces, before taking his first civil position in about...
April 30, 41 C.E. Judeopagan Conflict

April 30, 41 C.E. Judeopagan Conflict

The action begins with a preliminary hearing before the Imperial Council, the Consilium Caesaris (symboulion in Greek), on the fifth of Pachon, the day before the Calends of May, i.e., April 30. The year has not been conserved but we may assume it was the first of...

39 C.E. Philo is Part of Embassy to Emperor Caligula

Judeopagan Conflict/ The Temple Mount and Statue of Caligula Both the Jews and the Greeks (e.g. sent emmisaries to Rome) continued to plead their respective causes before the emperor. A Greek delegation, composed of “elders” (gerontes), left for Rome just after the...