Isaiah 8:12 – Do not be in fear

Isaiah 8:12 – Do not be in fear   In the New Testament, Peter said there would be persecution but not to be afraid. “Do not fear their threats and do not be troubled” (1Pet 3:14). Having said that, he turns around in the next verse (1Pet 3:15). and...

Isaiah 64: 4-9, Filthy Rags

Isaiah 64: 4-9, Filthy Rags   The statement, “All our righteousness is like filthy rags”, is found in the middle of a Biblical poem in Isaiah (Isaiah 64:4-9). The kingdom is upheld with righteousness A theme in the Hebrew Bible in the Book of Isaiah...

Isaiah 8:14 – Stone of stumbling

Isaiah 8:14 – Stone of stumbling   The New Testament writers Peter and Paul, draw on the words of Isaiah the prophet Paul, like Peter, links the two passages in Isaiah (Romans 9:30-33). It is interesting, incidentally, to note how Paul edits the passages. As we...