India, Muslims and Oil
Primary Sources
- August 1198, Forced Conversion of the Jews of Aden
- The Great Game 1611 – East India Company established a cotton factory in India
- Aug 11, 1840, Viscount Palmerston to Viscount Ponsonby
- August 11, 1840 Viscount Palmerston to Viscount Ponsonby
- 1842 Abraham Benisch to Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Viscount Canning- Scheme
- April 15, 1854, Karl Marx (The Author of Das Kapital) – The Outbreak of the Crimean War with Russia
- April 15, 1854 Karl Marx
- October 25, 1854 The Charge of the Light Brigade
- 1888, The Constantinople Convention Freedom of Passage Through the Suez Canal
- 1892 Marquess George Nathaniel Curzon of Great Britain
- 1892, Marquess George Nathaniel Curzon of Great Britain
- 1898 Captain W. Lebedeff Grenadier of the of Russia
- 1898, Captain W. Lebedeff Grenadier of the of Russian Army
- October 21, 1898 India, Muslims, and Oil Germany and India
- November 27, 1899, Berlin to Baghdad Rail Road
- November 27, 1899 Berlin to Baghdad Road
- October 1901, India Muslim and Oil
- February 1902 Russian Foreign Minister Vladimir Nikolaevich Lamsdorff
- February 17, 1902, Russian Foreign Minister Vladimir Nikolaevich Lamsdorff
- November 6th, 1902, Lee Warner,’ Russia and the Indian Empire’
- November 6th, 1902 Afghanistan Situation
- 1908, Masjid-i-Sulaiman in the mountains of north-western Persia.
- 1907 British and Russian Railroad in Persia
- 1910, Land routes to Persian Gulf
- April 13, 1915, The De Bunsen Committee
- August 24, 1916 Massacre of Lake Van
- August 24, 1916 Massacre of Lake Van
- December 15, 1917 Gilbert Clayton, Britain’s chief representative to Mark Sykes in Cairo
- December 15, 1917, Gilbert Clayton to Mark Sykes
- Abraham Benisch in a memorandum to Viscount Canning- Scheme
- September 4, 1929 Sir John Chancellor, High Commissioner of Palestine Mandate
- January 5, 1931 Mousa Kazem Hussaini
- May 31, 1932, standard Oil of California discovers oil in Bahrain
- Fall 1937, Roger Makin’s adviser to Foreign Secretary
- July 1937 Sir George Rendal adviser to Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden
- 1938 Colonial Secretary Malcolm McDonald
- March 4, 1938 India Muslim & Oil
- January 25, 1939 Foreign Secretary Irwin Halifax
- July 2, 1943 Joint Planning Staff Committee of the British War Cabinet
- March 1944 Lord Eden Killearn to British Cabinet Committee
- September 15th, 1944 Cabinet Committee on Palestine
- March 1948, Second pipe line terminated at Haifa
- May 14, 1948 India, Muslims and Oil
- January 30, 1972 Partition of Ireland
- April 10, 1998 Partition of Ireland
- July 13, 2013 Dozens injured as N Ireland protestants riot over blocked parade route
- December 12, 2014 Partition of Ireland
- January 3, 2016 Partition of India
- September 12, 2015 The Partition of Ireland, Peace Walls
- October 5, 2015 Partition of Ireland, Trouble are Back
- Images / Maps
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