India, Muslims and Oil


  1. OilPrimary Sources
    1. August 1198, Forced Conversion of the Jews of Aden
    2. The Great Game 1611 – East India Company established a cotton factory in India
    3. Aug 11, 1840, Viscount Palmerston to Viscount Ponsonby
    4. August 11, 1840 Viscount Palmerston to Viscount Ponsonby
    5. 1842 Abraham Benisch to Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Viscount Canning- Scheme
    6. April 15, 1854, Karl Marx (The Author of Das Kapital) – The Outbreak of the Crimean War with Russia
    7. April 15, 1854 Karl Marx 
    8. October 25, 1854 The Charge of the Light Brigade
    10. 1888, The Constantinople Convention Freedom of Passage Through the Suez Canal
    11. 1892 Marquess George Nathaniel Curzon of Great Britain
    12. 1892, Marquess George Nathaniel Curzon of Great Britain
    13. 1898 Captain W. Lebedeff Grenadier of the of Russia
    14. 1898, Captain W. Lebedeff Grenadier of the of Russian Army
    15. October 21, 1898 India, Muslims, and Oil Germany and India
    16. November 27, 1899, Berlin to Baghdad Rail Road
    17. November 27, 1899 Berlin to Baghdad Road
    18. October 1901, India Muslim and Oil
    19. February 1902 Russian Foreign Minister Vladimir Nikolaevich Lamsdorff
    20. February 17, 1902, Russian Foreign Minister Vladimir Nikolaevich Lamsdorff
    21. November 6th, 1902, Lee Warner,’ Russia and the Indian Empire’
    22. November 6th, 1902 Afghanistan Situation
    23. 1908, Masjid-i-Sulaiman in the mountains of north-western Persia.
    24. 1907 British and Russian Railroad in Persia
    25. 1910, Land routes to Persian Gulf
    26. April 13, 1915, The De Bunsen Committee
    27. August 24, 1916 Massacre of Lake Van
    28. August 24, 1916 Massacre of Lake Van
    29. December 15, 1917 Gilbert Clayton, Britain’s chief representative to Mark Sykes in Cairo
    30. December 15, 1917, Gilbert Clayton to Mark Sykes
    31. Abraham Benisch in a memorandum to Viscount Canning- Scheme
    32. September 4, 1929 Sir John Chancellor, High Commissioner of Palestine Mandate
    33. January 5, 1931 Mousa Kazem Hussaini
    34. May 31, 1932, standard Oil of California discovers oil in Bahrain
    35. Fall 1937, Roger Makin’s adviser to Foreign Secretary
    36. July  1937 Sir George Rendal adviser to Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden
    37. 1938 Colonial Secretary Malcolm McDonald
    38. March 4, 1938 India Muslim & Oil
    39. January 25, 1939 Foreign Secretary Irwin Halifax
    40. July 2, 1943 Joint Planning Staff Committee of the British War Cabinet
    41. March 1944 Lord Eden Killearn to British Cabinet Committee
    42. September 15th, 1944 Cabinet Committee on Palestine
    43. March 1948, Second pipe line terminated at Haifa
    44. May 14, 1948 India, Muslims and Oil
    45. January 30, 1972 Partition of Ireland
    46. April 10, 1998 Partition of Ireland
    47. July 13, 2013 Dozens injured as N Ireland protestants riot over blocked parade route
    48. December 12, 2014 Partition of Ireland
    49. January 3, 2016 Partition of India
    50. September 12, 2015 The Partition of Ireland, Peace Walls
    51. October 5, 2015 Partition of Ireland, Trouble are Back
  2. Images / Maps
    1. November 27, 1899, Berlin to Baghdad Rail Road
    2. 1907, British and Russian Railroad in Persia
    3. 1908, Anglo-Persian Oil Company
    4. 1910, German, British and Russian Railroads

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