January 5, 1931 Mousa Kazem Hussaini


January 5, 1931 Arabs Say No to Jewish Homeland – State of Israel Mousa Kazem Hussaini, President, Arab Executive Committee, to the High Commissioner for Palestine Jerusalem:                                                                                                                                                 Arab Executive Committee                                                                                                                                                 Jerusalem                                                                                                                                                 5th January, 1931 Your Excellency, I have the honor to enclose herewith copies of the Memorandum of the Arab Executive on the White Paper issued in October 1930 (The Passfield Commission Cmd.42) and shall be glad if Your Excellency will be good enough to transmit copies thereof to Lord Passfield, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, and to the Permanent Mandates Commission.
  1. I take this opportunity to state that the Arab Executive Committee of which I have the honour to be the President, was constituted for the purpose of executing the resolutions passed by the Great Arab Congress held in the month of June, 1928, which confirmed the resolutions passed by all previous Congresses. Your Excellency is aware that the most important items of such resolutions were:
  • To demand the abrogation of the Balfour Declaration and the Mandate as being contradictory to the pledges given to the Arabs and to Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, and as being in violation of the natural and national rights of the Arabs.
  • To demand the establishment of a government responsible to an elected Representative Council.
  1. I believe that it is the first duty of His Majesty’s government to prohibit at once the transfer to non-Arabs of Arab lands and to stop immigration definitely especially since, as Your Excellency is aware, the Arabs enjoyed, under the Turkish regime the maximum measure of self-government that they had under that regime Administrative Councils, General Councils, Representative Councils and Municipal Councils and took party, together with the Turks, in every sphere of activity of the Government.
  2. 4. It is of importance to emphasize, in conclusion, the necessity for promoting the welfare of the distressed fellahin, especially such of them as were dispossessed by the Jews from the lands which they and their fathers and ancestors before them had cultivated. This class of the fellahin should be given land for their maintenance especially in the Huleh area, should the Concessionaire fail to carry out the terms of the Concession.
His Excellency,                                                                                                                  I have, etc. The High Commissioner For Palestine                                                                    (Sgd.) Mousa Kazem Hussaini Jerusalem                                                                                                           President, Arab Executive Committee       See Actual Proclamation:

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