April 6-7 1903 Kishineff Pogram

April 6-7 1903 Kishineff Pogram “Houdini’s appearance in Moscow coincided with a notorious pogrom.  After many violent outburst of anti-Semitism in Russia since the late nineteenth century,  April 1903 brought a massacre of the Jewish community in Kishinev, a city of...

April 1903, Kishineff Pogrom

April 1903, Kishineff Pogrom “In April 1903 an Easter pogrom took place in Moldova’s capital, Kishinev.  Forty-nine Jews were murdered, hundreds brutally injured.  World Jewry was in turmoil.” Source: My Promised Land

April 6-7, 1903 Kishineff Pogrom

April 6-7, 1903 Kishineff Pogrom June 11, 1903 Rev. Dr. Zadok Kahn, Grand Rabbi of France, Rue St., George, Paris   Dear Doctor: An idea is prevailing here that we are sending too much money to Kishineff and not enough to other points where there was also great...

1905 Pogroms in Russia

“Letter signed by Lord Rothschild, Samuel Montagu, David Alexander and Claude Montefiore, all members of the Board of Deputies of British Jews who organized the Russo-Jewish Committee in London to assist the victims of the pogroms in Russia.”  


Primary Sources March 28, 1871, Odessa1905, Russia Secondary Sources March 17, 1882, Russia May 3, 1882, The May Laws March 17, 1882 Pogroms in Russia May 3, 1882 Pogroms and The May Laws August 3rd, 1890 Programs In Russia and US House of Representation April 6-7,...