by hadassah | Apr 17, 2016 | An Uneasy Truce and the Suez War, Returning and Redemption
Translation: “I read your letter and I do not accept the assumption that all existing national treasures in our country have been discovered or are already known. I do not see myself as a researcher although I explore for myself from time to time subjects that...
by hadassah | Jan 4, 2009 | An Uneasy Truce and the Suez War
An Uneasy Truce and the Suez War, 1949-1956 World War II re-drew the map of world Jewry. Seventy-two percent of European Jewry perished during of the Holocaust, the systematic, state-sponsored persecution and attempted annihilation of Jews (and some other...
by hadassah | Apr 27, 2008 | An Uneasy Truce and the Suez War, Returning and Redemption
Bernard M. Baruch 597 Madison Avenue New York 22. N.Y. Kingstree, South Carolina December 31, 1953 Rabbi Harold A. Friedman Temple Hesed Abraham 150 Hall Avenue Jamestown, New York My dear Rabbi Friedman- Yours of December 22nd was indeed a moving letter. You must be...
by hadassah | Apr 27, 2008 | An Uneasy Truce and the Suez War, Returning and Redemption
The Security Council Recalling its past resolutions of 15 July 1948,(2) 11 August 1949,(3) 17 November 1950 (4) and 8 May 1951 (5) relating to the General Armistice Agreements between Israel and the neighbouring Arab States (6) and to the provisions contained therein...