Commentary of Rashbam to Gen. 22-1-2

Commentary of Rashbam to Gen. 22-1-2   ויהי אחר הדברים האלה, whenever we find the construction אחר הדברים האלה what follows is conceptually immediately following what has been reported immediately before. Examples are found in 15,1 after Avraham had killed the...

Commentary of R. David Kimhi to Gen. 22-1-2

Commentary of R. David Kimhi to Gen. 22-1-2   ויהי אחר הדברים האלה, after what happened to Avraham with Avimelech and as a result of his pact he had resided among the Philistines for many years, so that he had decided to migrate to Beer Sheva. At that point he...

Commentary of Abraham ibn Ezra to Gen. 22-1-2

Commentary of Abraham ibn Ezra to Gen. 22-1-2   THAT GOD DID PROVE ABRAHAM. Some say that the word nissah (did prove, tested) is a variation of nissa (lifted up), with the sin replacing the samekh and the heh replacing the alef. However, the plain meaning of the...

Commentary of Nahmanides to Gen. 22-1-2

Commentary of Nahmanides to Gen. 22-1-2   AND G-D TRIED ABRAHAM. The matter of “trial,” in my opinion, is as follows: Since a man’s deeds are at his absolute free command, to perform them or not to perform them at his will, on the part of one who is tried it is...

Study of the Bible

Study of the Bible   The importance of the Talmud to medieval Jewish life should not obscure the centrality of the Hebrew Bible on the medieval Jewish scene. The Bible, in different ways, formed the second pillar of Jewish life in medieval western Christendom. It...