Introduction to Sefer Hasidim

Introduction to Sefer Hasidim   This is called “Book of the Pious.” Its contents are sweet and most desirable. It is written for those who fear God and revere His name. There is a Hasid whose heart desires the love of His Creator, to do His will completely. But...

Zohar—Opening of Zohar

Zohar—Opening of Zohar   Rabbi Hizkiyah opened, “It is written, as a rose among thorns.” (Song of Songs 2:2) What is the Rose? It is the Congregation of Israel. Because there is a rose, and there is a Rose. Just as the rose among the thorns is tinged with red and...

Mystical Speculation

Mystical Speculation     The search for the deeper meaning of received texts and traditions is a constant of religious communities, and the Christian majority and Jewish minority of medieval western Christendom were no exceptions. Within the Christian...