The Catastrophe of Sabbetai Zvi

The Catastrophe of Sabbetai Zvi   Sabbetai Zvi was a manic-depressive who had a huge effect on world Jewry in the Ottoman Empire and on the study of Kabbalah. See also: Shabbatai Zvi and Sabbateanism What do you want to know? Ask our AI widget and get answers...
Jewish Mysticism and Esotericism

Jewish Mysticism and Esotericism

Jewish Mysticism and Esotericism   Edited by Prof. Elliot R. Wolfson, with the assistance of Dr. Hartley Lachter This site is designed to serve as an introduction to the main historical periods and theoretical currents of Jewish Mysticism, Esotericism and...

Historical Periods of Jewish Mysticism

Historical Periods of Jewish Mysticism   by Prof. Elliot R. Wolfson Biblical Precursors The Hebrew Bible is a primary source of reflection and inspiration for virtually all branches of Jewish Mysticism and Esotericism. While we must be careful not to conflate the...
Introduction to Jewish Mysticism and Esotericism

Introduction to Jewish Mysticism and Esotericism

Introduction to Jewish Mysticism and Esotericism   by Prof. Elliot R. Wolfson There is still no consensus regarding the best way to delineate the major characteristics of Jewish mysticism, let alone a single definition. The basic historical framework for this...
Visionary Experience

Visionary Experience

Sefer Hasidim, § 978 Tikkunei Zohar, 1a Zohar 2-136b Zohar 2-136a Moses de Leon, “Sefer ha-Mishkal- Text and Study,” Wijnhoven, 59-60 3th century Ashkenazic text, MS Oxford, Bodleian Library 1566, fols. 45a-b Eleazar of Worms, Hokhmat ha-Nefesh, 13b-c Moses de Leon,...

Naphtali Bachrach, ‘Emeq ha-Melekh (Amsterdam, 1648), 144c

Naphtali Bachrach, ‘Emeq ha-Melekh (Amsterdam, 1648), 144c   R. Simeon bar Yohai was the righteous one, foundation of the world, and by means of his studying this [esoteric[ wisdom with which he was occupied… he united [the masculine] Ze‘eir ’Anpin with his...