The Catastrophe of Sabbetai Zvi

The Catastrophe of Sabbetai Zvi   Sabbetai Zvi was a manic-depressive who had a huge effect on world Jewry in the Ottoman Empire and on the study of Kabbalah. See also: Shabbatai Zvi and Sabbateanism What do you want to know? Ask our AI widget and get answers...

Shlomo Molkho and David Reuveni

Shlomo Molkho and David Reuveni   After the Expulsion from Spain and the forced conversions in Portugal, many Jews and New Christians, seeking an explanation for the twin disasters, saw in them signs of the approaching messianic era – that is, the necessary...

Messianic Movements

Messianic Movements   Shlomo Molkho and David Reuveni Shabbatai Zvi and Sabbateanism What do you want to know? Ask our AI widget and get answers from this website Create Account Contact...