House of Ahiel, 586 BCE

Hebrew University professor Yigal Shiloh uncovered a house in the City of David opposite the Kidron Valley. It is the most complete house excavated to date within the city. It is known as the House of Ahiel because it contained a pottery sherd with the name Ahiel...

The Lakhish Ewer, c. 1220 BCE

The Lakhish (Lachish) ewer, discovered by James L. Starkey in a rubbish heap outside a temple at Lakhish. Dates to about 1220 BCE, the time when scholars believe the Israelites were first emerging in Canaan. Found in 1934. “Understanding Asherah—Exploring Semitic...
Lakhish Reliefs at Nineveh, c. 700 BCE

Lakhish Reliefs at Nineveh, c. 700 BCE

Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, sat upon a nimedu throne and passed in review the booty from Lachish (Notation on Sennacherib’s throne room relief) Date- c. 700 BCE Current Location- British Museum, London, England Language and Script- Assyrian?;...

Moabite Stone, c. 840 BCE

Moabite Stone, c. 840 BCE   The First Mention of the God of Israel YHWH — “Omri was the king of Israel, and he oppressed Moab… And…I took the vessels of YHWHI am Mesha, son of Kemosh[-yatti], the king of Moab, the Dibonite. My father was...
Tel Dan Stele, c. 840 BCE

Tel Dan Stele, c. 840 BCE

Tel Dan Stele, c. 840 BCE   “[I killed Jeho]ram son of [Ahab] King of Israel… And [I] slew [the king] of the house of David” Date- c. 840 BCE Current Location- Skirball Museum, Jerusalem, Israel Language and Script- Aramaic; alphabetic General...

Biblical Megiddo

Megiddo was one of the most important cities in Canaan and Israel in the biblical period. It was at Megiddo that the Canaanite city-states gathered to rebel against Egyptian domination. According to the Bible, Joshua captured Megiddo (Josh. 12-21) and King Solomon...