by hadassah | Dec 1, 2015 | Greco-Roman Period, Judea Under Roman Rule
Spolia from the Jerusalem Temple, Arch of Titus, Rome This picture taken from Arch of Titus – the Menorah. What do you want to know? Ask our AI widget and get answers from this website Create Account Contact...
by hadassah | Nov 12, 2015 | Greco-Roman Period, Judea Under Roman Rule
The Hulda Gates re the two sets of now-blocked gates in the Southern Wall of the Temple Mount, situated in the Old City of Jerusalem The western set is a double arched gate (the Double Gate), and the eastern is a triple arched gate (the Triple Gate). Each arch of the...
by hadassah | Apr 8, 2008 | First Revolt to Bar Kokhba, Judea Under Roman Rule, Roman Period II
Excerpted from Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism- a Parallel History of their Origins and Early Development. Ed. Hershal Shanks. Washington D.C.- Biblical Archaeology Society, 1993. Jewish nationalist aspirations The academy at Yavneh devoted itself politically to a...
by hadassah | Apr 8, 2008 | Judea Under Roman Rule, Roman Period I
Of all the calamities of that time none so deeply affected the nation as the exposure to alien eyes of the Holy Place, hitherto screened from view. Pompey indeed along with his staff, penetrated to the sanctuary, entry to which was permitted to none but the high...
by hadassah | Apr 8, 2008 | Judea Under Roman Rule
Judea Under Roman Rule (63 BCE-66 CE) Of all the calamities of that time none so deeply affected the nation as the exposure to alien eyes of the Holy Place, hitherto screened from view. Pompey indeed along with his staff, penetrated to the sanctuary, entry to...