by hadassah | Jan 28, 2009 | Babylonian Captivity
Babylonian Captivity, 586-537 BCE Highlights- Nabonidus Cylinder, 555-540 BCE Prayer of Nabonidus Like the Northern Kingdom of Israel, the Southern Kingdom of Judah, too, had come to an end. Both had been caught in similar predicaments- how to negotiate the...
by hadassah | Jan 25, 2009 | Babylonian Captivity
Prayer of Nabonidus Fragments of a document called The Prayer of Nabonidus were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. The fragments tell the story of King Nabonidus, the last king of Babylon, who was afflicted with a disease for seven years while in Teima, Arabia, and...
by hadassah | Jan 12, 2009 | Babylonian Captivity
Onyx Seal Excavations between 1926 and 1935 by Badé at Mizpah, Tell en Nasbeh. Stratum 2 begins shortly after 586 BCE and ends about 400 BCE. “Stay in the land and serve the king of Babylon, and it will go well with you,” the Babylonian-appointed Jewish ruler of...
by hadassah | Dec 9, 2008 | Babylonian Captivity
Stela of Nabonidus Relief showing Nabonidus praying to the moon, sun and Venus. Cyrus takes Babylon- The verse account of Nabonidus- [lacuna] for the inhabitants of Babylon, Cyrus declared the state of peace. His troops he kept away from Ekur. Big cattle he...
by hadassah | Nov 27, 2008 | Babylonian Captivity
Ishtar Gate, c. 575 BCE The Ishtar Gate was the eighth gate to the inner city of Babylon. It was constructed in about 575 BC by order of King Nebuchadnezzar II on the north side of the city. It was considered one of the seven wonders of the world until it was...