The Sad Case of Tell Gezer, Hershel Shanks, BAR 9:04, Jul-Aug 1983
For Gezer there is still time. But not much.
The stones are still there, but gradually the walls are deteriorating. Soon they may tumble under the assault of winter rains and summer goats. Not even a fence protects the precious stones from the Bedouin who live in the area and who also need stones. What will be left for our children and our grandchildren?
Gezer is one of the most visually impressive sites in all of ancient Palestine. The large 30-acre tell may be seen from the old Tel Aviv-Jerusalem highway rising from the plain. It could easily be a major tourist stop and an educational attraction.
But try to get the short distance from here to there. In winter, the muddy approach roads are often impassable. In summer, the odds are you will get lost at least twice—there are no signs to guide you—before you find yourself on the tell. Unless you are a surveyor or already know the site well, you will have no idea which approach to the tell you have finally managed to surmount.
Read the rest of The Sad Case of Tell Gezer in the online Biblical Archaeology Society Library.
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