November 14, 1963 Palestine Conciliation Commission

November 14, 1963 “”On November 14, 1963, The Jerusalem Post reported on the rival resolutions on the Palestine Arab refugees submitted to the UN, one by three Muslim states and one by the US.  They were to be matched by a third resolution prepared by countries friendly to Israel, calling for direct talks between Israel and the Arab States. Four Arab governments decided that they would deal with the Palestine Conciliation Commission, composed of the representatives of the US, France and Turkey, only for the purpose of repatriating or compensating Arab refugees. UN secretary-general U Thant had appointed Lawrence Michelmore of the US as commissioner-general of the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestine. A low-flying plane showered thousands of anti-Semitic leaflets on the center of Toronto. Source: The Jerusalem Post, November 14, 2013, From our Archives

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