March 17, 1955 General Burns


General Burns submitted reports to the UN Security Council on November 16, 1954 and March 17, 1955, tabulati the complaints investigated by the Mixed Armistice Commission during the two periods of review.
  1. The Mixed Armistice Commission condemned Egypt 40 times;
  2. There were 9 cases of Egyptian sabotage and mine-laying;
  3. There were 34 clashes with regular and irregular forces;
  4. 1006 cases of incursions and infiltrations from across the Egyptian border into Israel were recorded by the Israel police;
  5. 106 marauders were arrested during this period by the Israel police;
Source: Egypt-Israel Relations, Israel Office of Information, from statement made by Ambassador Eban before the Security Council of the United Nations on March 23, 1955

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