1. From Text to Tradition
    1. The Apocrypha
    2. Pseudepigrapha
  2. Historical surveys
    1. Shaye Cohen. “Roman Domination- The Jewish Revolt and the Destruction of the Second Temple.”
  3. Primary sources
    1. Book of Tobit 11-12- The Reward of the Righteous
    2. Book of Judith 4-16- The Pious Heroine (oremus Bible Browser)
    3. Greek Esther 13-14- The Letter and the Prayer (oremus Bible Browser)
    4. Song of the Three Young Men 1-68- Supplication and Thanksgiving
    5. Book of Susanna 1-64- Daniel Rescues Susanna (oremus Bible Browser)
    6. Baruch 1-2- The Destruction of the Temple and the Exile (oremus Bible Browser)
    7. The Letter of Jeremiah 6-1-7- Prediction of the Babylonian Exile
    8. Book of Ben Sira 1-24- The Wisdom of a Sage
    9. Wisdom of Solomon 1-6- Righteousness and Foolishness (oremus Bible Browser)
    10. 1 Enoch, Book of Watchers- Enoch’s Vision
    11. 1 Enoch 93- Enoch’s Vision of the Future
    12. 1 Enoch 106- Fragment of the Book Noah
    13. Book of Jubilees- The Book of Division
    14. Testament of Levi 1-13- The Sanctity of the Priesthood
    15. Mishnah Sandhedrin 10-1- The Status of Those Who Read the Apocrypha
    16. Jerusalem Talmud Sanhedrin 10-1 (28a)- On the Status of Apocryphal Books
    17. Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 100b- The Books of the Early Christians
    18. Ecclesiastes Rabbah 12-12- On the Study of Apocryphal Books
  4. Secondary sources
    1. Amy-Jill Levine,“Tobit,” Bible Review, (8:4), Aug 1992.
    2. Carey A. Moore. “Susanna,” Bible Review (8:3),1992.
    3. James C. VanderKam. “Jubilees,” Bible Review (8:6), 1992.