1. Song of Miriam

    Miriam’s Song, by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (1860)


    1. From Egypt to Sinai (Exodus 5-24, 32; Numbers), Christine Hayes, Open Yale Courses (Transcription), 2006.
    2. Biblical History- From Abraham to Moses, c. 1850-1200 BCE, Steven Feldman, COJS.
  2. Primary sources
    1. Exodus 5-24
    2. Exodus 32
    3. Exodus 19-20- The Revelation at Sinai, Texts and Traditions, ed. Lawrence H. Schiffman, Ktav Publishing House, Hoboken NJ, 1998.
  3. Artifacts
    1. Ugaritic Alphabet Tablet, 14th-13th century BCE
    2. Marzeah Tablet, c. mid-14th century BCE
    3. The Capture of Joppa, c. 1300 BCE
    4. Mummy of Seti, 1279 BCE
    5. Turin King List, 1279-1213 BCE
    6. Statue of Ramesses II, 1279-1212 BCE
    7. Ramesses II Inscription, 1279-1212 BCE
    8. Leather Scroll- Quota for Brick-making, 1274 BCE
    9. The Ramesseum, 1274 BCE
    10. Ramesses the Great and the Hittite Treaty, 1258 BCE
    11. Papyrus Harris, late 13th-early 12th century BCE
    12. The Wisdom of Amenemope, 1250 BCE
    13. The Lakhish Ewer, c. 1220 BCE
    14. Stelae and Reliefs of Pharaoh Merneptah, c. 1207 BCE
    15. Mummy of Merneptah, 1213 – 1203 BCE
    16. Papyrus Anastasi I, c. 1200 BCE
    17. Papyrus Anastasi III, c. 1200 BCE
    18. Papyrus Anastasi V, c. 1200 BCE
    19. Jar Handle, 13th century BCE
    20. Bronze Statue of Caananite Ruler, 13th century BCE
    21. Archives of Ashour Adein, 13th century BCE
    22. Canaanite Ivory Knife Handle, 13th or 12th century BCE
    23. Bronze Scepters and Incense Burner, 13th or 12th century BCE
    24. Mt. Ebal Altar, 13th-12th century BCE
    25. Cymbals, 13th-12th century BCE
    26. Epithet of El, late Iron Age
  4. Secondary sources
    1. Red Sea or Reed Sea? Bernard F. Batto, Biblical Archaeology Review (10:4), Jul/Aug 1984.
    2. Redating the Exodus, John J. Bimson and David Livingston, Biblical Archaeology Review (13:5), Sep/Oct 1987.
    3. Ancient Records and the Exodus Plagues, Robert R. Stieglitz, Biblical Archaeology Review (13:6), Nov/Dec 1987.
    4. The Route Through Sinai, Itzhaq Beit-Arieh, Biblical Archaeology Review (14:3), May/Jun 1988.
    5. 3,200-Year-Old Picture of Israelites Found in Egypt, Frank J. Yurco, Biblical Archaeology Review (16:5), Sep/Oct 1990.
    6. Scholars Disagree: Can You Name the Panel with the Israelites? Anson F. Rainey, Biblical Archaeology Review (17:6), Nov/Dec 1991.
    7. Power to the Powerless—A Long-Lost Song of Miriam, George J. Brooke, Biblical Archaeology Review (20:3), May/Jun 1994.
    8. Exodus Itinerary Confirmed by Egyptian Evidence, Charles R. Krahmalkov, Biblical Archaeology Review (20:5), Sep/Oct 1994.
    9. BARlines- Huge Tomb in Egypt May Hold Pharaoh’s Firstborn, Carol Arenberg, Biblical Archaeology Review (21:4), Jul/Aug 1995.
    10. First Person: A Name in Search of a Story, Hershel Shanks, Biblical Archaeology Review (24:1), Jan/Feb 1998.
    11. Let My People Go and Go and Go and Go, Abraham Malamat, Biblical Archaeology Review (24:1), Jan/Feb 1998.
    12. The Egyptianizing of Canaan, Carolyn R. Higginbotham, Biblical Archaeology Review (24:3), May/Jun 1998.
    13. How Reliable Is Exodus? Alan R. Millard, Biblical Archaeology Review (26:4), Jul/Aug 2000.
    14. Contrasting Insights of Biblical Giants, Biblical Archaeology Review (30:4), Jul/Aug 2004.
  5. Images
    1. Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh, Benjamin West (1738-1820).
    2. The Seventh Plague of Egypt, John Martin, 1828.
    3. Crossing the Red Sea, Hartmann Schedel, Nuremberg Chronicle, 1493.
    4. Moses in a Festival Prayer Book, c. 1320
    5. Moses with the Tables of the Law, Rembrandt, 1659.
  6. Maps
    1. The Sinai Peninsula
  7. Videos
    1. From Egypt to Sinai, Christine Hayes.
    2. Moses’ Egyptian Roots, NOVA.