Earthquake! Inspiration for Armageddon, Amos Nur and Hagai Ron, BAR 23:04, Jul-Aug 1997

Megiddo. By Drahnier (Diskussion) – Own workOriginal text: selbst fotografiert, Copyrighted free use,
Science is full of cases where researchers looking for one thing end up finding something entirely different, often of great importance. That is what happened to us. For more than 20 years, we have been trying to obtain evidence to help predict earthquakes by studying the longest and most continuous historical record of earthquakes on the face of the earth—in the earthquake-prone Holy Land. Whether we will ever succeed remains uncertain. But in the meantime, we have made several startling archaeological discoveries that have helped us to understand the rise and the repeated fall of one of the most exciting sites in the country- Megiddo, the site of Armageddon. Here, according to the Revelation to John (also known as the Apocalypse), the final conflict between good and evil before the millennial age will occur amidst “a violent earthquake, such as had not occurred since people were upon the earth” (Revelation 16-18).
Archaeologists frequently attribute debris uncovered in excavations to invading armies. Historians, on the other hand, criticize archaeologists for invoking wars and battles that are not described in historical documents.
Often, the truth may lie with earthquakes.
Read the rest of Earthquake! Inspiration for Armageddon in the online Biblical Archaeology Society Library.
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