Newspapers December 1947
- India Is Watching Kashmir’s Border, NY Sun, Dec. 1, 1947.
- Damascus Rioters Affront U.S. Flag, United Press, NY Times, Dec. 1, 1947.
- Anti-Jewish Riots in Syria, Associated Press, NY Times, Dec. 3, 1947
- Beirut Protest Is Peaceable, Associated Press, NY Times, Dec. 3, 1947
- Iraqis Protest “Tyranny,” Associated Press, NY Times, Dec. 3, 1947
- Palestine Torn by New Battles, Associated Press, NY Sun, Dec. 4, 1947.
- 170 Jews Slip into Palestine, Associated Press, NY Sun, Dec. 4, 1947.
- Jewish Agency Seeks U.S. Aid, NY Sun, Dec. 4, 1947.
- Sees U.S. Generals in Palestine Army, Associated Press, NY Sun, Dec. 4, 1947.
- Scene of Fighting (map), NY Sun, Dec. 4, 1947.
- Clash at Tel Aviv Border, Associated Press, NY Times, Dec. 4, 1947
- 15,000 Riot in Cairo against Partition, Associated Press, NY Times, Dec. 5, 1947
- Bomb Startles Beirut, Associated Press, NY Times, Dec. 5, 1947
- Moslems vs. Jews, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 6, 1947.
- Ambulance in Arab Crowd (photograph), San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 6, 1947.
- Mideast Toll Now 159 As Arabs Gather for Cairo Meeting Monday, Associated Press, Hartford Courant, Dec. 7, 1947.
- Jews, Arabs Clash in DP Camp, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 8, 1947.
- Holy Land Clashes, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 8, 1947.
- Tension in Palestine, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 10, 1947
- Palestine Bloodshed, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 11, 1947
- Jaffa and Tel-Aviv Mark Time, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 11, 1947
- Plans for Partition, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 11, 1947
- Jewish Group Asks Part in U.N. Debate, United Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 12, 1947
- U.N. Warned by Britain on Partition, United Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 12, 1947
- Arabs Kill 10 Jews in Ambush of Truck Convoy, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 12, 1947.
- Trouble in Palestine, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 13, 1947
- Ill Wind of Partition Blows Profits to the Fez-Maker, Associated Press, NY Times, Dec. 14, 1947.
- Neutral Jewish State Planned in Palestine; Goldman Intimates It May Be Called Judea, Associated Press, NY Times, Dec. 18, 1947.
- Lehman Calls on Jews of U.S. to Help Build Palestine Nation, NY Herald Tribune, Dec. 19, 1947
- Ask U.S. to Shift All Jewish D.P.s, United Press, NY Herald Tribune, Dec. 19, 1947
- Haganah Kills 10 Arabs in Palestine, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 20, 1947.
- Ibn Saud Says He’ll Protect Americans, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 19, 1947
- 2 Britons Shot by 4 Terrorists in Jerusalem; Guards at Bethlehem to Bar Yule Violence, NY Herald Tribune, Dec. 22, 1947.
- Jewish Aid Society Seeking $4,000,000, NY Herald Tribune, Dec. 22, 1947.
- French Hold Italian Crew, United Press, NY Herald Tribune, Dec. 24, 1947
- Conflict in Palestine, United Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 23, 1947
- The U.N. Yesterday, NY Herald Tribune, Dec. 24, 1947.
- Christian Arabs in Palestine to Curb Yule Fetes; Jewish Immigrants Beginning a Voyage from Italy that Ended With Capture Off Palestine (photographs), NY Herald Tribune, Dec. 24, 1947.
- U.N. Trust Plan to Cover Town of Bethlehem, NY Herald Tribune, Dec. 24, 1947
- Holy Land Christmas- Both Sides Talk War, NY Herald Tribune, Dec. 24, 1947
- Jewish Immigrant Ship Leaves Romania Empty, United Press, NY Herald Tribune, Dec. 24, 1947.
- Jewish Immigrants Beginning a Voyage from Italy That Ended with Capture off Palestine (photographs), Associated Press, NY Herald Tribune, Dec. 24, 1947.
- Holy Land—1947, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 25, 1947.
- Holy Land, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 26, 1947.
- Singapore Moslem Partition Protest, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 28, 1947.
- 21 Killed in Palestine; Ship Arrives, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 29,1947
- Russian Aid to Holy Land, Jews Charged, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 30, 1947.
- Two Jewish Refugee Ships Clear Istanbul, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 31, 1947
- U.N. Commission to Palestine is Complete, United Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 31, 1947
- Blood Flows in Palestine, United Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 31, 1947
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