Newspapers December 1947


  1. India Is Watching Kashmir’s Border, NY Sun, Dec. 1, 1947.
  2. Damascus Rioters Affront U.S. Flag, United Press, NY Times, Dec. 1, 1947.
  3. Anti-Jewish Riots in Syria, Associated Press, NY Times, Dec. 3, 1947
  4. Beirut Protest Is Peaceable, Associated Press, NY Times, Dec. 3, 1947
  5. Iraqis Protest “Tyranny,” Associated Press, NY Times, Dec. 3, 1947
  6. Palestine Torn by New Battles, Associated Press, NY Sun, Dec. 4, 1947.
  7. 170 Jews Slip into Palestine, Associated Press, NY Sun, Dec. 4, 1947.
  8. Jewish Agency Seeks U.S. Aid, NY Sun, Dec. 4, 1947.
  9. Sees U.S. Generals in Palestine Army, Associated Press, NY Sun, Dec. 4, 1947.
  10. Scene of Fighting (map), NY Sun, Dec. 4, 1947.
  11. Clash at Tel Aviv Border, Associated Press, NY Times, Dec. 4, 1947
  12. 15,000 Riot in Cairo against Partition, Associated Press, NY Times, Dec. 5, 1947
  13. Bomb Startles Beirut, Associated Press, NY Times, Dec. 5, 1947
  14. Moslems vs. Jews, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 6, 1947.
  15. Ambulance in Arab Crowd (photograph), San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 6, 1947.
  16. Mideast Toll Now 159 As Arabs Gather for Cairo Meeting Monday, Associated Press, Hartford Courant, Dec. 7, 1947.
  17. Jews, Arabs Clash in DP Camp, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 8, 1947.
  18. Holy Land Clashes, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 8, 1947.
  19. Tension in Palestine, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 10, 1947
  20. Palestine Bloodshed, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 11, 1947
  21. Jaffa and Tel-Aviv Mark Time, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 11, 1947
  22. Plans for Partition, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 11, 1947
  23. Jewish Group Asks Part in U.N. Debate, United Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 12, 1947
  24. U.N. Warned by Britain on Partition, United Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 12, 1947
  25. Arabs Kill 10 Jews in Ambush of Truck Convoy, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 12, 1947.
  26. Trouble in Palestine, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 13, 1947
  27. Ill Wind of Partition Blows Profits to the Fez-Maker, Associated Press, NY Times, Dec. 14, 1947.
  28. Neutral Jewish State Planned in Palestine; Goldman Intimates It May Be Called Judea, Associated Press, NY Times, Dec. 18, 1947.
  29. Lehman Calls on Jews of U.S. to Help Build Palestine Nation, NY Herald Tribune, Dec. 19, 1947
  30. Ask U.S. to Shift All Jewish D.P.s, United Press, NY Herald Tribune, Dec. 19, 1947
  31. Haganah Kills 10 Arabs in Palestine, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 20, 1947.
  32. Ibn Saud Says He’ll Protect Americans, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 19, 1947
  33. 2 Britons Shot by 4 Terrorists in Jerusalem; Guards at Bethlehem to Bar Yule Violence, NY Herald Tribune, Dec. 22, 1947.
  34. Jewish Aid Society Seeking $4,000,000, NY Herald Tribune, Dec. 22, 1947.
  35. French Hold Italian Crew, United Press, NY Herald Tribune, Dec. 24, 1947
  36. Conflict in Palestine, United Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 23, 1947
  37. The U.N. Yesterday, NY Herald Tribune, Dec. 24, 1947.
  38. Christian Arabs in Palestine to Curb Yule Fetes; Jewish Immigrants Beginning a Voyage from Italy that Ended With Capture Off Palestine (photographs), NY Herald Tribune, Dec. 24, 1947.
  39. U.N. Trust Plan to Cover Town of Bethlehem, NY Herald Tribune, Dec. 24, 1947
  40. Holy Land Christmas- Both Sides Talk War, NY Herald Tribune, Dec. 24, 1947
  41. Jewish Immigrant Ship Leaves Romania Empty, United Press, NY Herald Tribune, Dec. 24, 1947.
  42. Jewish Immigrants Beginning a Voyage from Italy That Ended with Capture off Palestine (photographs), Associated Press, NY Herald Tribune, Dec. 24, 1947.
  43. Holy Land—1947, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 25, 1947.
  44. Holy Land, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 26, 1947.
  45. Singapore Moslem Partition Protest, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 28, 1947.
  46. 21 Killed in Palestine; Ship Arrives, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 29,1947
  47. Russian Aid to Holy Land, Jews Charged, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 30, 1947.
  48. Two Jewish Refugee Ships Clear Istanbul, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 31, 1947
  49. U.N. Commission to Palestine is Complete, United Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 31, 1947
  50. Blood Flows in Palestine, United Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 31, 1947

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