The fluted amphora with brim and two handles at the right of the coin is encircled by the Hebrew inscription, shnat shtayim, meaning “year two” (67/68 A.D.) of the Jewish revolt against Rome. Two of these coins were found at Aroer, along with a mass of stone rubble, strong evidence that the Romans devastated the military outpost of Aroer in about 68 A.D.
Found in the Negev of Israel, excavated between 1975 and 1981 by Avraham Biran.
Silver half-shekel minted in Jerusalem during the First War Against Rome (66–70 A.D.) inscribed entirely in old-Hebrew. On the left is a chalice with pearled rim, above which are two letters, shin and bet, standing for sh(enat) b(et)—the second year of the war (67 A.D.). Encircling the chalice are the words “half a shekel”. On the opposite side of the coin is a stem with three pomegranates surrounded by the inscription, “Jerusalem the Holy.”
The Holy Land in Coins, Yaakov Meshorer, BAR Mar 1978.
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