The State and the Jews—Control

The State and the Jews—Control   Jewish presence in medieval western Christendom was fostered by the lay authorities in order to stimulate the economic growth of their realms and—at the same time—to enrich their coffers. Exploitation of Jewish financial...

The State and the Jews—Economic Support

The State and the Jews—Economic Support   Economic considerations moved many lay authorities in medieval western Christendom to foster Jewish settlement and simultaneously moved many Jews to remain in place in newly conquered territories or to immigrate into...

The State and the Jews—Protection

The State and the Jews—Protection   In order to maintain Jewish life in areas of prior Jewish settlement or in areas ofnew Jewish settlement, the first requirement was physical security. Without the promiseand the reality of physical security, Jewish life was...

The State and the Jews—Charters

The State and the Jews—Charters   Given the popular hostility toward Jews depicted in the preceding section and the ambivalent stance of the Roman Catholic Church toward Judaism and Jews detailed earlier, the lay authorities became the key to Jewish well-being in...
Overview: The State and the Jews

Overview: The State and the Jews

Overview: The State and the Jews   Given the considerable negativity of the Church’s doctrines, policies, and imageries and the lack of pre-1000 Jewish population in western Christendom, the obvious question is how a burgeoning European Jewish population...
The State and the Jews

The State and the Jews

The State and the Jews   Given the considerable negativity of the Church’s doctrines, policies, and imageries and wide-ranging popular animosity, the obvious question is how a burgeoning Jewish population could have developed across Europe in the period between...