by hadassah | Jan 24, 2024 | Rabbinic Creativity
Illuminated Page from Fifteenth-Century Italian Arba`ah Turim Even ha-`Ezer Manuscript The manuscript, a Jewish juridic text, is divided into four main sections containing prescriptions for prayer, butchering and eating, family life and the administration of...
by hadassah | Jan 24, 2024 | Rabbinic Creativity
Illuminated Page from Thirteenth-Century German Mishneh Torah Manuscript Facsimile of a page with a decorated title-panel of Sefer ha-Mada (Book of Knowledge) from the first book of the Mishneh Torah, Germany, 1295-96. The illustrations are not related to the...
by hadassah | Sep 26, 2016 | Rabbinic Creativity
Cultural Stimulation The Jews moved into a society which was culturally backward compared to the Muslim world but it was also in the process of catching up very quickly. Prof. Robert Chazan. Produced by Down Low Pictures for COJS. What do you want to...
by hadassah | Apr 15, 2008 | Rabbinic Creativity
Code Introduction, Rabbi Asher ben Yehiel’s Arba`ah Turim Blessed the God of Israel, who is great and mighty! To him , song and praise, lauding and hymns, power and dominion are appropriate. He is greater than any other god. Were I to say- “I shall sound all...
by hadassah | Apr 15, 2008 | Rabbinic Creativity
History of Rabbinic Studies in France, Rabbi Menahem ben Zerah’s Zeidah la-Derekh There were in France, since the days of old, outstanding Torah scholars, who had a great understanding of Talmudic dicta. Even before the time of our teacher from Troyes, Rabbi...
by hadassah | Apr 15, 2008 | Rabbinic Creativity
History of Rabbinic Studies in France, Rabbi Moses of Coucy’s Sefer Mizvot Gadol Moses received the Torah from the Master of the World on Sinai and passed it down to Joshua (Tractate Avot, 1-1), as it is written- “His servant Joshua son of Nun, a lad, would not...