R. Isaac ben Judah Abrabanel, EJ 2:103-109.

R. Isaac ben Judah Abrabanel, EJ 2:103-109.   ABRABANEL, ISAAC BEN JUDAH (1437–1508), statesman, biblical exegete, and theologian. Offshoot of a distinguished Ibero-Jewish family, Abrabanel (the family namealso appears as Abravanel, Abarbanel, Bravanel, etc.)...

R. David Kimhi (Radak), EJ 10:1001-1004.

R. David Kimhi (Radak), EJ 10:1001-1004.   KIMHI, DAVID (known as Radak from the acronym of Rabbi David Kimhi; Maistre Petit; 1160?–1235?), grammarian and exegete of Narbonne, Provence. The son of Joseph Kimhi and brother and pupil of Moses Kimhi, David was a...

R. Jacob ben Meir (Rabbeinu Tam), EJ 15:779-781.

R. Jacob ben Meir (Rabbeinu Tam), EJ 15:779-781.   TAM, JACOB BEN MEIR (Rabbenu; c. 1100–1171), tosafist and leading French scholar of the 12 th century. Rabbenu Tam was the grandson of Rashi and the son of Meir b. Samuel, Rashi’s son-in-law. His teachers...

Giant Figures

Giant Figures   The difficult circumstances of Jewish life in medieval Europe required the creation of cohesive Jewish communities, which the Jews of Europe successfully fashioned. These communities in turn needed inspired leadership, which in fact emerged. All...