by hadassah | Nov 30, 2015 | The Hasmonean Dynasty
For at least 10,000 years, on the plain of the Great Rift, bordered by the mountains of Judea on the west and, on the other side of the Jordan River, the mountains of Moab, there has been a city at Jericho. The earliest settlement at Jericho—in the Late Stone...
by hadassah | Nov 18, 2015 | First Revolt to Bar Kokhba, The Hasmonean Dynasty
The earliest mosaic yet found in Israel, dating to the late Hasmonean period (1st century B.C.). The mosaic comes from the bath near the most elegant of the six mikvaot found at the Hasmonean Palace, which was probably used by members of the royal family.
by hadassah | Apr 9, 2008 | The Hasmonean Dynasty
Excerpted from Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism- a Parallel History of their Origins and Early Development. Ed. Hershal Shanks. Washington D.C.- Biblical Archaeology Society, 1993. The Diaspora revolts Under Trajan, a series of major revolts did in fact erupt,...
by hadassah | Apr 8, 2008 | The Hasmonean Dynasty
Rabbinic tradition also preserves a tannaitic report of the siege of Jerusalem by Hyrcanus against Aristobulus. The Rabbis used the story to learn a lesson but their account indicates awareness of the basic events. Our Rabbis taught- when the kings of the Hasmonean...
by hadassah | Apr 8, 2008 | The Hasmonean Dynasty
The coming of the Romans led, in turn, to the rise of the Idumean Antipater who manipulated Hyrcanus II to advance his own interests. The infighting of the last Hasmoneans made it possible for the Romans to side with Antipater and Hyrcanus, thus gaining power over...
by hadassah | Apr 8, 2008 | The Hasmonean Dynasty
Alexander Janneus was soon succeeded by his wife, Salome Alexandra (76-67 B.C.E.) whose reign brought the Pharisees back to power. But the Queen’s rule sowed the seeds of the eventual decline if the Hasmonean House after her death. (398) After this, King Alexander 53...