by hadassah | Sep 6, 2015 | Religious Life at Qumran
Yom Kippur in Qumran, Manfred Lehmann, Revue de Qumran 3, p.117-124. The most fruitful examination of matters concerning the priesthood can be in the treatment of the Yom Kippur service in Ben Sira and the Qumran documents. The climax of the Temple service of...
by hadassah | Jan 28, 2009 | Religious Life at Qumran
Religious Life at Qumran Leadership During the initial period between the founding of the sect and the arrival of the Teacher of Righteousness, the Qumran sect was led by Zadokite priests. The importance of the Zadokite priests stemmed from biblical...
by hadassah | Apr 14, 2008 | Religious Life at Qumran
The “Desert Motif” in the Bible and in Qumran Literature, Shemaryahu Talmon, Biblical Motifs, Harvard University Press, Cambridge 1996. The study of the “desert motif” in the Bible has played an important role in Biblical research since K. Budde...
by hadassah | Apr 14, 2008 | Religious Life at Qumran
Qumran Cistern Some scholars have maintained that these larger cisterns are mikvaot and that the impure descended on one side of the stairs, and after purification, ascended the other side. It seems from the size of the cisterns that they held drinking water,...
by hadassah | Apr 14, 2008 | Religious Life at Qumran
Qumran Sabbath, Naphtali Wieder, The Judean Scrolls and Karaism, East and West Library, London 1962. 2 Sh. Talmon (Scripta Hierosolymitana, iv, pp. 187ff.) explains the association of the Sabbath with the festivals in the Damascus Document by the assumption...
by hadassah | Apr 14, 2008 | Religious Life at Qumran
The “Sons of Zadok the Priest” in the Dead Sea Sect. Reprinted with permission from J. Liver, Revue de Qumran 6. I One of the vexed problems encountered by the student of the Judaean Desert literature is that of the “sons of Zadok the priests”...