by hadassah | Sep 4, 2016 | Identification of the Sect
The Dead Sea Sect The Dead Sea Sect was a group of Jews who broke off from the Temple establishment, leaving Jerusalem in about 152 BCE when Jonathan the Maccabee took over as high priest. Prof. Lawrence H. Schiffman, New York University What do you want to...
by hadassah | Sep 1, 2016 | Decline of Sectarianism, Identification of the Sect
The Scrolls and Christianity There is still a popular conception that the Dead Sea Scrolls can solve the problem of early Christianity, but that prevents us from learning about the rise of Christianity through these Jewish texts. Prof. Lawrence H....
by hadassah | Jan 29, 2009 | Identification of the Sect
Identification of the Sect Evidence of the Halakhic Letter The Halakhic Letter, known in Hebrew as Miqsat Ma’ase ha-Torah (“some legal rulings pertaining to the Torah”), demonstrates that the sectarian schism came about as a result of conflict over sacrificial...
by hadassah | Sep 9, 2008 | Identification of the Sect
The War Scroll, the Hasidim, and the Maccabean Conflict, Russel Gmirkin. The Dead Sea Scrolls Fifty Years After Their Discovery (ed. Lawrence H. Schiffman, Emanuel Tov and James C. VanderKam), Israel Exploration Society, Jerusalem 2000, p.486-496. For the past...
by hadassah | Apr 13, 2008 | Identification of the Sect
The Wicked Priest, The Man of Lies, and The Righteous Teacher – The Problem of Identity, William H. Brownlee, The Jewish Quarterly Review 73,1 (1982). How does one reconstruct a history of the Qumrân Community in relation to its enemies, when one knows...
by hadassah | Apr 13, 2008 | Dead Sea Scrolls, Identification of the Sect
Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls, J.H. Charlesworth, Jesus Within Judaism, Doubleday, NY, 1988. The most sensational discovery of ancient manuscripts in modern times occurred in 1947 in Palestine during the last months of the British Mandate. Three cousins,...