Hellenistic Period, 332-166 BCE

Hellenistic Period, 332-166 BCE

Highlights- Alexander the Great Coin, 340-323 BCE Dan Inscription, 2nd-3rd century BCE The Septuagint, 285-246 BCE Silver Tetradrachm of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, 164 BCE Overview Hellenism 332-167, Teddy Kollek and Moshe Pearlman, Jerusalem- Sacred City of Mankind,...

Hellenistic Bullae

2000 Hellenistic Bullae were found at Kedesh in upper Galilee in the summer of ’99. This clay seal impression depicts a rearing horse. Strata- Woollae Bullae, Devra Wexler, BAR 26-03, May-Jun 2000.