What is the Talmud?

The Talmud is a compact, elliptical, but many-volumed collection of Jewish law and teachings. The achievement of Jews both in ancient Palestine and in Babylonia, the Talmud has come down to us in two basic editions. The Palestinian version, compiled around 400 A.D.,...

Codex Theodosianus- Laws Concerning the Jews

C. Th. XV.xii.1- Bloody spectacles are not suitable for civil ease and domestic quiet. Wherefore since we have proscribed gladiators, those who have been accustomed to be sentenced to such work as punishment for their crimes, you should cause to serve in the mines, so...
Byzantine Period, 312-632 CE

Byzantine Period, 312-632 CE

Highlights- Nag Hammadi Library, 3rd-4th century CE Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 325 CE Codex Vaticanus, 350 CE Codex Sinaiticus, 350 CE Ein Gedi Synagogue- “Peace upon Israel,” 450 CE Rehov Synagogue Mosaic Floor, 6th-7th century CE Babylonian Talmud, c. 500 CE...

Gold Coin Hoard, 610-613 CE

 Gold Coin Hoard  Gold Coin Hoard in situ A hoard of more than 250 gold coins was exposed on Dec. 21, 2008, in the excavations the Israel Antiquities Authority is conducting in the Givati car park in the City of David, in the Walls Around Jerusalem National Park....

Hammat Tiberias Synagogue Mosaic, 4th century CE

Hammat Tiberias Synagogue Mosaic With the excavation of the 4th century Galilean synagogue at Hammath Tiberias by the Jewish Palestine Exploration Society in 1920-1, and the exposure of a mosaic floor depicting a Zodiac panel, torah shrine, and menorahs, as well as a...