Arad-Nirari III Stone Slab, 810-783 BCE


Expedition to Palestine

From a broken stone slab found at Calah. Published by Rawlinson, Vol. I. Translation- Luckenbill, AR, I 739-740-

I marched against the country Saimerisu- I shut up Mari, king of Damascus in Damascus, his royal residence. The terror-inspiring glamour of Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him and he seized my feet, assuming the position of a slave. I received in his palace in Damascus, his royal residence, 2,300 talents of silver, 20 talents of gold, 5,000 talents of iron, garments of linen with multi-colored trimmings, a bed with ivory, a nimattu-couch mounted and inlaid with ivory, countless his possessions.

Pritchard, James B., ed., Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament. Princeton, NJ- Princeton University Press, 1969.

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