1. Overview
    1. The Story- 539 BCE-632 CE, MyJewishLearning.com.
    2. The Story, 622-1666, MyJewishLearning.com.
    3. Early Modern Jewish History, MyJewishLearning.com.
    4. Overview- Ottoman Empire
    5. The Story- 1700-1914, MyJewishLearning.com.
  2. Primary sources
    1. Bible and Beyond- Archaeology and the Bible
    2. Coming to the Promised Land (Zionism) in the Bible
    3. Land Purchase in the Bible, Bereshit Rabbah 79-7.
    4. The Kingdom of Israel
    5. Maimonides Lands in Akko
    6. Quotes from Pilgrims to the Holy Land
    7. Capture of Jerusalem by the Crusaders, Raymond of Aguilers, 1099.
    8. Benjamin of Tudela’s Letters from Jerusalem, 1173.
    9. Thomas Jefferson to John Jay, 1786.
    10. Napoleon Addresses the Troops, Toulon, May 9, 1798.
    11. The Coming Struggle for India, Arminius Vambery, Cassel and Company Ltd., London , 1885. Right click to download the original book to your computer.
  3. Newspaper articles
    1. Riley’s Narrative- Jewish Contributions, Hampden Federalist, June 19, 1817.
  4. Secondary sources
    1. The Jewish Presence in Palestine, Samuel Katz, Israel Academic Committee on the Middle East, 1973 (excerpt).
    2. Ancient Israel Through the Eyes of the Nations
    3. The Prophet Jeremiah and the Exile to Babylonia, Bryna Jochebed Levy, COJS.
    4. Zionism Revisited- Nabonidus, Cyrus, and the Return to Zion, Bryna Jochebed Levy, copyright COJS.
    5. A Short Guide to the Model of Ancient Jerusalem, Holyland Hotel, Jerusalem.
    6. Name of Ancient Israel’s Last President Discovered on Lead Weight, Amos Kloner, Biblical Archaeology Review, July/Aug. 1988.
    7. Jewish Travelers to the Holy Land
    8. ARTS- Venice’s love affair with the east, Rachel Spence, Financial Times, Aug. 29, 2007.
    9. William of Tyre, The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume XV, Robert Appleton Company, New York, 1912.
    10. First Memorandum- Historical survey of the waves of the number and density of the population of ancient Palestine, Vaad Leumi, 1947. Full Text or Excerpts.
    11. Second Memorandum- Historical survey of the Jewish population in Palestine from the fall of the Jewish state to the beginning of Zionist pioneering, Vaad Leumi, 1947. Full Text or Excerpts.
    12. Third Memorandum- Historical survey of the waves of Jewish immigration into Palestine from the Arab conquest to the first Zionist pioneers (640-1882), Vaad Leumi, 1947. Full Text or Excerpts.
    13. Returning, the Land of Israel as a Focus in Jewish History, Benjamin J. Segal, World Zionist Organization, Jerusalem 1987.
    14. Emancipation in Western Europe, A Historical Atlas of the Jewish People.
    15. The Return of Jews to England, Steve Israel, Exile 1492- The Expulsion of the Jews from Spain, Unit II, The Sephardi Diaspora. Admon Press. Israel, 1991.
  5. Maps
    1. Map of Ancient Jerusalem, University of Texas Map Collection.
    2. Tracks to the Promised Land- Selected Maps of the Holy Land
  6. Educational Resource Guides
    1. Erez Israel – The Jewish Centre, Exile 1492- Unit II, The Sephardi Diaspora, ed. Michael Glatzer, Ben-Zvi Institute, 1991.
  7. Websites
    1. BiblePlaces.com
    2. The Ottomans
    3. Palestine under Ottoman Empire- The Sanjak of Jerusalem