UN in PalestineCINCINNATI, Ohio, April 9 (U.P.)-State Department subordinates who believe “Britain knows best” have maneuvered the United States into an indefensible position on Palestine, Senator Brewster (R., Maine) charged today.

Calling for an immediate lifting of the embargo on arms and volunteers for Palestine, the Senator asked “where did this doctrine of preventing American boys from fighting for freedom come from?

“That’s the way our own country came into being-with Kosciusko, Lafayette, Von Steuben. We let American boys from the Lafayette Escadrille fight in World War I, and the Flying Tigers were permitted to fight in World War II,” Brewster said in an interview here.

(Associated Press reported Representative Somers (D., N. Y.) said a 14,000-man division, chiefly composed of Americans, is expected to be ready for the defense of Jewish Palestine by May 15.

(“That will be D-day, the day the British are scheduled to pull out of Palestine,” Somers told news-men, “and we expect an attack by the Arabs.”

(Somers is the author of a bill which would enable Americans going to fight for the defense of Palestine to retain their U. S. citizenship. The bill is before the House Judiciary Committee.)

U. S. Asks U. N. Council To Consider Truce Terms

NEW YORK, April 9 (AP)-The United States today suggested the Security Council try to formulated Palestine truce terms to lay before the Jews and Arabs.

The suggestion was advanced by chief U. S. Delegate Austin at an informal meeting of 10 Council delegates to consider the virtual collapse of efforts to bring Jewish and Arab representatives together.

Russia again boycotted the discussions.

Austin said the U. S. would be ready Monday to submit a series of proposed truce terms.