By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Associated Press Diplomatic Writer
WASHINGTON, Feb, 22-American policy on enforcing the division of Palestine between Arabs and Jews will be whipped into final shape tomorrow by Secretary of State Marshall.
Warren R. Austin, American delegate to the United Nations, is due here over night to join Marshall and other top officials for the decisive round of conferences on the explosive issues.
The subject is under an absolute secrecy ban in the State Department thus far.
Nonetheless, statements by President Truman himself have led to wide speculation here that the American Government will (1) stick firmly to the United Nations decision for partitioning of Palestine and (2) support the recommendation of a United Nations Commission for an international armed force to police the strife-torn Holy Land until independent Arab and Jewish states can be entrusted with their own security.
This line of speculation is based on the admiration which Mr. Truman expressed in a report to Congress Friday for the boldness with which the United Nations has thus far tackled world problems. Also, he said flatly that the U. N. is trying to settle the Palestine issue on the basis of partitioning the land.
With the prestige of the United Nations at stake, Austin will report the American position to the United Nations Security Council Tuesday. There was no preliminary hint as to whether we would indicate that American troops could or should be used, if he formally expresses favor for the creation of an international armed force.
His report is expected to become a major factor in determining whether the Security Council itself eventually orders an armed force to take over when the British surrender their authority there May 15. All their troops are due to be out by August 1.
State Department officials appeared to be in general agreement with an argument advanced by Senator Taft (R., Ohio) that the future effectiveness of the United Nations depends on what it does in Palestine.
Taft set forth his views in a statement urging that the United States “co-operate vigorously” with the United Nations to work out a program for Holy Land partitioning. He urged that the U. S. not permit the decisions of the United Nations to be thwarted by “confusion and civil war in Palestine.”
Some officials still hope for a conciliation settlement which both Arabs and Jews could accept. It may be, therefore, that the American policy statement to the Security Council will stress the need for unceasing efforts at conciliation.
Five hard facts of international life have led American officials reportedly to conclude that there is no quick or easy way out for the United States. They are-
1-Domestic Politics-The prozionist vote in the United States, especially in New York, is recognized as a vital factor in 1948 elections.
2-Oil-Middle Eastern petroleum resources are vital to American plans for European recovery and are controlled by Arabs. (An Arab source in Cairo said yesterday that American and British oil contracts might be canceled if the United Nations tries to enforce partition.)
3-Middle East Strategy-The United States, having built up positions to block Russia in Greece and Turkey, has no wish to see Palestine, through United Nations action, converted even partially into a Russian military base.
4-World Peace-The feeling of officials here is that if the United Nations does not now handle the Palestine problem competently, its prestige may be fatally harmed.
5-Humanitarian Aims-Officials reported a widespread desire in the country to favor use of Palestine in so far as possible as a refuge for displaced European Jews.