Sir Ernest ShackletonClick here to view the original article.

A possible “deal” between the Jewish Agency and Trans-Jordan, was strongly hinted here yesterday by a member of Britain’s Parliament.

Edward A. A. Shackleton, son of Sir Ernest Shackleton, famed Antarctic explorer, and himself an Arctic adventurer and veteran of World War II, said here that his source for this report was a member of the British Cabinet.

“According to information which I consider reliable.” he said, “a somewhat immoral coup d’etat is being negotiated at the present time by the Jewish Agency and the government of Trans-Jordan.

“It calls for the annexation by Trans-Jordan of the Arab areas of Palestine, so designated by the United Nations partition plan, and the ceding to Jewish Palestine of certain areas of the Trans-Jordan.”


Shackelton, 36, who is in this country on a lecture tour, failed to amplify this statement, other than to reiterate the reliability of his source.

Shackleton was highly enthusiastic over England’s present production record and expressed hope that general trade may be brought into balance within the year.

Within the last three months, he said, overall British production has been up 20 per cent over prewar levels. Most notable production rise, he declared, has been in coal.

Nationalization of the industry, he said, has resulted in an “immensely better spirit” among the miners to a degree that new recruits are being enlisted, and old miners are returning to the pits.

Already, he said, England is able to export coal to other parts of Europe. And he added- “If we attain our export targets, we shall bring our over-all balance of payments into equilibrium within a year.”


Last great hope of England-and of the whole of Europe-Shackleton implied, is the Marshall Plan.

“If Europe doesn’t get aid,” he said, “it will blow up. In that event we would become a sort of European aircraft carrier, which is the last thing on earth we want.

“We might be able to save ourselves-but we are determined to play our part to help rebuild Europe’s economy.”

In the meantime, he said, England’s urgent need for machinery and raw materials is increasing, and these can be obtained only with “hard money”-American dollars.

“If we had access to dollars there would be some hope of loosening restrictions and controls. But as it is, we can only hope to get by.”


Shackleton, an officer of the Order of the British Empire and a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, is the author of two books, “Arctic Journeys” and “Borneo Jungle.” He was a wing commander in the RAF during the last war and for a year ran a joint Anglo-American Operational Intelligence section in Cornwall. He was elected to Parliament while still in the service.

In this country under sponsorship of the British-American Parliamentary group, he lectured at Stanford University last night and at noon today will address the Lions’ Club in Oakland.

Friday night he will speak before the Press Club, after a series of addresses in Sacramento tonight and tomorrow.