The Sefirot
- From the fourteenth-century kabbalist, Joseph ben Shalom Ashkenazi, Sefer Yesirah (Jerusalem, 1962), 27a.
- MS JTSA Mic. 1727, fols. 18a-b
- Joseph ben Hayyim, MS Paris, BN 843, fol. 37a. See also MS J TSA Mic. 1885, fols. 74b-75a
- Anonymous commentary on the sefirot, written in all probability in Castile in the latter part of the thirteenth century
- From the Geronese circle of Ezra and Azriel, 13th century. MS JTSA Mic. 8558, fol. 8b
- Azriel of Gerona, Perush ‘Eser Sefirot ‘al Derekh She’elah u-Teshuvah, p. 5.
- Iyyun Circle, 13th century. MS Munich 54, fol. 288a
- All Sefirot Texts
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