- 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah, Christine Hayes, Open Yale Courses (Transcription), 2006.
- Overview- Jews in the Persian Period (520-332 BCE)
- …and the Rise 537, Teddy Kollek and Moshe Pearlman, Jerusalem- Sacred City of Mankind, Steimatzky Ltd., Jerusalem, 1991.
- Biblical History- Jeremiah, Ezra and Esther, c. 586-330 BCE, Steven Feldman, COJS.
- Primary sources
- Ezra 3- The Renewal of Sacrifices, Texts and Traditions, ed. Lawrence H. Schiffman, Ktav Publishing House, Hoboken NJ, 1998.
- Ezra 3- The Beginning of Sacrifice, Texts and Traditions, ed. Lawrence H. Schiffman, Ktav Publishing House, Hoboken NJ, 1998.
- Ezra 4- The Samaritans and the Temple, Texts and Traditions, ed. Lawrence H. Schiffman, Ktav Publishing House, Hoboken NJ, 1998.
- Ezra 6- The Order to Rebuild, Texts and Traditions, ed. Lawrence H. Schiffman, Ktav Publishing House, Hoboken NJ, 1998.
- Ezra 7-8- The Arrival of Ezra, Texts and Traditions, ed. Lawrence H. Schiffman, Ktav Publishing House, Hoboken NJ, 1998.
- Ezra 9-10- Expulsion of Foreign Wives, Texts and Traditions, ed. Lawrence H. Schiffman, Ktav Publishing House, Hoboken NJ, 1998.
- Nehemiah 1-6- Rebuilding the Wall and Gates of Jerusalem, Texts and Traditions, ed. Lawrence H. Schiffman, Ktav Publishing House, Hoboken NJ, 1998.
- Nehemiah 7-8- The Reading of the Torah, Texts and Traditions, ed. Lawrence H. Schiffman, Ktav Publishing House, Hoboken NJ, 1998.
- Nehemiah 8- The Building of the Booths, Texts and Traditions, ed. Lawrence H. Schiffman, Ktav Publishing House, Hoboken NJ, 1998.
- Nehemiah 10- The Oath of the Covenant, Texts and Traditions, ed. Lawrence H. Schiffman, Ktav Publishing House, Hoboken NJ, 1998.
- 1 Chronicles 28-9- The Kingdom of David and Solomon, Texts and Traditions, ed. Lawrence H. Schiffman, Ktav Publishing House, Hoboken NJ, 1998.
- Josephus, Antiquities XI, 297-303- The High Priest and the Samaritans
- Esdras 2- Opposition to the Temple
- Abu’l Fath, Kitab Al-Tarikh- The Samaritan View of their Origins (Stenhouse Trans. From Anderson- The Keepers)
- 2 Kings 17- The Jewish View of Samaritan Origins
- Josephus, Antiquities XI, 75-108- Samaritans and the Restoration of the Temple
- Artifacts
- Secondary sources
- Historical and Archaeological Background, Lawrence H. Schiffman, From Text to Tradition- A History of Second Temple & Rabbinic Judaism, Ktav Publishing House, Hoboken, NJ, 1991.
- Political Affairs, Lawrence H. Schiffman, From Text to Tradition, Ktav Publishing House, Hoboken, NJ, 1991.
- The Second Temple, Lawrence H. Schiffman, From Text to Tradition, Ktav Publishing House, Hoboken, NJ, 1991.
- The Literature of the Period
- The Samaritan Schism
- The Early History of Babylonian Jewry
- James D. Purvis, and Eric Meyers. “Exile and Return- From the Babylonian Destruction to the Reconstruction of the Jewish State.”
- James D. Purvis, and Eric Meyers. “Exile and Return- From the Babylonian Destruction to the Reconstruction of the Jewish State.” Part II
- James D. Purvis, and Eric Meyers. “Exile and Return- From the Babylonian Destruction to the Reconstruction of the Jewish State.” Part III
- Cyrus the Messiah, Lisbeth S. Fried, Bible Review (19, 5) 2003.
- Who Returned First—Ezra or Nehemiah? Aaron Demsky, Bible Review (12:2) 1996.
- The Samaritans, Reinhard Pummer, Bible Review (7: 5) 1991.
- Zionism Revisited- Nabonidus, Cyrus, and the Return to Zion, Bryna Jochebed Levy, copyright COJS.
- Images
- Videos
- Further reading