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New York, May 17 (AP)-A cheering, flag-waving Zionist rally Sunday night heard Sen. Robert A. Taft (R., Ohio) propose that the United Nations use armed force “to prevent aggressions against Israel.”
Speaking to a crowd that packed Madison Square Garden, the contender for the Republican presidential nomination also urged-
That the United States lift immediately its embargo on the shipment of arms to the Middle East.
That the U. N. security council “recognize the new state of Israel and give it membership in the United Nations.”
“We must urge the use of a United Nations armed force,” Taft said, “to prevent aggression against Israel when that occurs.”
He added that such action may come “too late to prevent bloodshed.”
“If all else fails,” he said, “we have some economic pressures of our own we may have to use.”
His address brought frequent and long bursts of applause from the 19,000 who jammed the garden, which was bedecked with American colors and flags of the new Jewish state.
The huge arena was filled to capacity long before the “Salute to Israel” rally began. An estimated 75,000 were turned away at the door.