President Anwar SadatTHE PRESIDENT


From- The President and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces

To- Marshal Ahmed Ismail Ali, War Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces

1. Pursuant to the politico-military directive issued to you by me on the first day of October 1973, and on the basis of the circumstances of the present political and strategic situation,

I have decided to direct the Armed Forces to accomplish the following strategic missions-

(a) to end the present military deadlock by breaking the cease-fire as from October 6, 1973;

(b) to inflict the greatest possible losses on the enemy, in personnel, arms, and equipment;

(c) to work for the liberation of the occupied land in successive stages in accordance with the growth and development of the potentialities and capabilities of the Armed Forces.

2. These missions shall be accomplished by the Egyptian Armed Forces independently or in cooperation with the Syrian Armed Forces.


Anwar el-Sadat

President of the Republic

9th Ramadan 1393 H.

October 5, 1973