Hariyeh Dares Jews To Battle In Raanana Orange Groves
Jerusalem, Nov. 22 (AP)—An Arab was killed and a second was wounded in Haifa tonight shortly after the clandestine Arab organization Hariyeh (freedom) challenged the Jewish underground Stern Gang to a battle. Arab sources termed the challenge a “declaration of civil war.”
The two Arabs in Haifa were struck by automatic weapon fire from a passing taxi in Allenby street in the downtown section of the city.
Earlier one Arab was killed and one was wounded in separate shootings by “unknown persons” in Haifa. The body of an unidentified Arab girl, who had been shot in the head, also was found near the banks of the Kishon River.
Challenge To The Stern Gang
Hariyeh—recalling that five Arabs were slain two days ago in an orange grove near Raanana—called on Stern Gang members to meet an Arab force in the groves there next week. The challenge, contained in posters appearing in Jerusalem, said in part-
“Our code of honor does not permit us to massacre unprotected Jewish settlers of the Negeb (an area of southern Palestine). We oppose Zionism and partition but we cannot murder peaceful neighbors, most of whom we believe are strongly opposed to the terrorists who murdered our friends and relatives at Raanana.
“Our men will be waiting in the orange groves near Raanana next week. We will protect our people and we will welcome an attack by the cowardly band in order that we may revenge our brothers.”
Posters Pulled Down
Police pulled down the posters and dispersed crowds which had gathered.
Meanwhile, two members of the Arab Higher Executive, Sheik Hashan Abos Saud and Raffik Tamimi, met with Arab Club groups in Jaffa, the largest all-Arab city in Palestine. Four Jews in a bus were wounded in gun and bomb attack near Jaffa Thursday night a few hours after the five Arabs were killed in Raanana. The killing of the Arabs was believed to have been a Stern Gang reprisal, and police expressed concern over possible renewal of racial clashes.
A time bomb exploded outside a Tel Aviv printing house today. Windows of the building were shattered, but there were no casualties. A 7-year-old Arab girl was slightly injured by a bomb explosion near the Bethlehem police station.